Online Lessons

Free Guitar Lessons Online : Solos

Our free online guitar lessons page is an online resource for guitarists with ambitions to build their own tool-set for all types of guitar improvisations.

The lessons follow the concept further embellished in my e-Book for guitar – Guitar Unboxed;

Step 1 is to learn how to use basic harmonic shapes, commonly referred to as boxes, as basis for solos.

Step 2 is to learn how to break out of the box. In between step 1 and 2 we present a range of harmonic and technical concepts to serve as tools to take you from A- Z in the encyclopedia of guitar improvisation. All though the course is based on these steps, lessons will not be presented as beginner, intermediate or advanced levels. Independently of your level you should be able to find new ways of approaching guitar soloing . It does, however, help if you have a basic knowledge of basic harmony and music notation.

The idea is that one can choose to follow the course, lesson by lesson, and find more lessons and deeper explanations of the concepts in the guitar eBook, or choose to drop in from time to time to find some fresh ideas and guitar licks to take away.

Improvisation Concepts for Guitar

The following is a list of themes that form the basis for the lessons we present here:

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